
The halogenase-based catalysis is one of the most environmentally friendly methods for the synthesis of halogenated products, among which flavin-dependent halogenases (FDHs) have attracted great interest as one of the most promising biocatalysts due to the remarkable site-selectivity and wide substrate range. However, the complexity of constructing the NAD+-NADH-FAD-FADH2 bicoenzyme cycle system has affected the engineering applications of FDHs. In this work, a coenzyme self-sufficient tri-enzyme fusion was constructed and successfully applied to the continuous halogenation of L-tryptophan. SpFDH was firstly identified derived from Streptomyces pratensis, a highly selective halogenase capable of generating 6-chloro-tryptophan from tryptophan. Then, using gene fusion technology, SpFDH was fused with glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) and flavin reductase (FR) to form a tri-enzyme fusion, which increased the yield by 1.46-fold and making the coenzymes self-sufficient. For more efficient halogenation of L-tryptophan, a continuous halogenation bioprocess of L-tryptophan was developed by immobilizing the tri-enzyme fusion and attaching it to a continuous catalytic device, which resulted in a reaction yield of 97.6% after 12h reaction. An FDH from S. pratensis was successfully applied in the halogenation and our study provides a concise strategy for the preparation of halogenated tryptophan mediated by multienzyme cascade catalysis.

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