
Current industry estimates of reproductive performance for cattle, sheep, and swine operations indicate that males contribute significantly to fertility failures. This appears to be due to the use of subfertile individuals and emphasizes the need for additional research in identifying characteristics of sperm that compromise fertilization. In theory, sperm characteristics, such as motility or the percentage of normal sperm, form a positive relationship with fertility that reaches a certain maximal fertility (i.e., an asymptotic relationship). It is clear that variation exists among males in terms of how fertility responds to increasing sperm dosage or numbers of normal sperm, both in the slope of the curve and the point at which the fertility reaches a maximum. Variations along the linear portion of fertility curves are due to compensable traits that are involved with the ability of sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida. It appears that most fertility curves reach their plateau when 70% of sperm possess a given compensable trait. The level of fertility at which the plateau occurs is determined by noncompensable traits that are associated with binding of sperm to the oolemma, syngamy, and subsequent development of the zygote. Several studies have shown differences in fertility among males that have similar levels of compensable traits but differed in their noncompensable characteristics. Compensable and noncompensable traits can estimate either individual or functional characteristics of sperm. Intuitively, functional traits such as in vitro penetration should provide a better indication of fertilization than individual ones such as motility. However, correlations of both types with fertility are very similar. Reasons for this may be related to how characteristics of sperm cells are influenced by the female reproductive tract after insemination. Sperm capacitation is a functional trait in boars that is quite different in vitro versus in vivo. If this relationship holds true for other traits, then development of tests that account for this variation are critical for further elucidation of sperm characteristics that limit fertility.

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