
Trichotillomania is an intriguing psychosomatic entity in which there is an irresistible desire to pull out the hair from the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows and other parts of the body. The process results in an instant release of tension, a sense of relief and security. However, non-scaring alopecia is its clinical presentation. The development of trichobezoar following ingestion of the pulled hair is its salient complication in a few cases. Subsequently, it may cause symptoms pertaining to the gastrointestinal tract culminating in intestinal obstruction, perforation, pancreatitis and obstructive jaundice. The Rapunzel syndrome (trichobezoar) may occur when gastrointestinal obstruction is produced by a rare manifestation of a trichobezoar with a long tail that extends to or beyond the ileocecal valve. In most cases in children, trichotillomania +/- trichobezoar is a habit disorder and thus has a better prognosis. However, in adults the psychopathology is usually deeper and thus entails a poor prognosis. The diagnosis is made after taking a thorough history, noting the clinical features and evaluating a hair-root examination, where telogen hair is (almost) completely lacking, which distinguish trichotillomania from other hair disorders. Treatment modalities vary in childhood and adult varieties. Apart from psychotherapy, the drug treatment involves several agents including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and domipramine. Trichobezoar/Rapunzel syndrome requires surgical intervention.

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