
In order to study the tribological properties of V-shaped texture under oil lubrication conditions, the loading force and speed are selected as the influencing factors, each factor selected six levels. Experimental study on friction and wear of V-shaped texture with ring arrangement is finished by MMG-10 Multifunctional Friction and Wear Testing Machine, and the data of the experimental results are analyzed by using Matlab. The results show that there is a near linear relationship between the friction coefficient and the loading force and velocity. The relationship between the friction coefficient and the loading force and velocity can be expressed by a functional equation. The loading force has a greater influence on the friction coefficient than the speed. The SEM images of the post-test specimens show that the main weared zone of the V-shaped texture is the tip part. Create a single V-shaped texture model with Solidworks and use CFD to divide the mesh into the Fluent solution. According to the pressure distribution cloud diagram and the turbulence intensity cloud diagram, the stability of the oil film is improved due to the enhanced fluidity of the oil film and the small change in the oil pressure. The tip portion is also the region with a large turbulence intensity value. The improvement of the stability of the oil film is the key to reduce the friction coefficient of the V-shaped texture when the loading force increases.


  • The results show that there is a near linear relationship between the friction coefficient and the loading force and velocity

  • 利用 Solidworks 建立单个 V 字型织构的模型, 并利用 ICEM CFD 进行网格划分,得到结果如图 6 所示。 将划分好网格的模型导入到 Flurnt 中。

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吴元博1, 杨学锋1, 王守仁1, 成健2, 张辉1, 鹿重阳1, 陈海龙1 (1.济南大学 机械工程学院, 山东 济南 250022; 2.湖北工业大学 机械工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430000) 摘 要:为了研究 V 字型织构在油润滑条件下的摩擦学性能,选取加载力和速度为影响因素,每个因 素选取 6 个水平,通过 MMG⁃10 多功能摩擦磨损实验机对环形排列的 V 字型织构进行摩擦磨损实验 研究。 并利用 Matlab 软件对实验结果进行数据整理和分析,结果表明摩擦因数与加载力和速度存在 近线性关系,它们之间的关系可以通过一个函数方程式表示,并且加载力对摩擦因数的影响能力要大 于速度。 实验后试件的 SEM 图像表明了 V 字型织构的主要磨损区为尖端部分。 通过 Solidworks 建立 单个 V 字型织构模型并使用 CFD 划分网格,导入到 Fluent 中求解。 通过压力分布云图以及湍流强度 云图可知,油膜的稳定性提高是由于油膜流动性增强和油压值波动小导致的,尖端部分也正是湍流强 度值较大的区域。 而油膜稳定性的提高正是 V 字型织构能在加载力增加的情况下降低摩擦因数的 关键。 关 键 词:V 字型织构;摩擦磨损实验;流动性 中图分类号:TH117.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000⁃2758(2019)02⁃0401⁃06

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