
The abundant water wave energy on Earth stands as one of the most promising renewable blue energy sources, as it exhibits minimal dependence on weather, time and temperature. However, the low fluctuation frequency and extremely irregular nature of the wave energy restrict both the methods and efficiency of energy harvesting. In this study, a packed box-like hybrid nanogenerator was designed, comprising two single-electrode triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) and two electromagnetic generators (EMGs). The outputs of both the TENG and EMG were demonstrated under different fluctuation frequencies and swing amplitudes, inspiring the development of a wave warning system. The maximum output voltage, current, and transferred charge of the single TENG, as part of hybrid nanogenerator (HG), reach approximately 110 V, 2.3 μA, and 50 nC, respectively. Its peak power reaches 85.3 μW under a resistance load of 20 MΩ at a frequency of 2 Hz. The EMG component produced maximum output voltages and currents of up to 0.45 V and 1.2 mA, respectively. The peak power is approximately 95.6 μW with a resistance load of 200 Ω. The output performances of the TENG and EMG increase linearly with the increase in the swing angle. Most importantly, a packed box-like hybrid nanogenerator can be conveniently packaged for harvesting energy from water waves. A wave energy collection array floating on the sea is proposed for harvesting blue energy and creating a self-powered ocean wave warning system.

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