
Abstract- A cladistic analysis involving 27 tribes and subtribes of Asteraceae and 81 characters is presented. The terminal taxa are mainly those of present tribal classification, though some apparently poly- and paraphyletic tribes, notably the Mutisieae and the Inuleae, have been represented by sub-tribal taxa. Characters are assembled from all available sources. Corolla types, styles and stamens have provided many characters. The Lobeliaceae are used as an outgroup and are considered as the most probable sister group of the Asteraceae. There is a basal dichotomy in the family, the Mutisieae-Barnadesiinae being the monophyletic sister group of the remaining major, also monophyletic part of the family. The recent family division into two subfamilies about equal in size, the Cichorioideae and the Asteroideae, neither represents a basal dichotomy nor a sister group relationship within the Asteraceae. The Asteroideae are monophyletic and have their sister group within the paraphyletic Cichorioideae. Interrelationships among the cichorioid tribes are still unclear. The Lactuceae, Eremothamneae, Vernonieae and Liabeae may be one monophyletic group, and the Arctoteae, Carlineae, Echinopsideae and Cardueae another. The Mutisieae are a paraphyletic grade at the base of the family. Within the subfamily Asteroideae tribal interrelationships are also rather unclear. The Anthemideae and the Heliantheae sensu lato (including the Helenieae, Tageteae, Coreopsideae and all helenioid/helianthoid representatives sometimes placed in the Senecioneae) may be sister groups. The Heliantheae appear to be monophyletic and there is little support for the hypothesis that other tribes are derived from or have their sister group within the Heliantheae. The Astereae and the Eupatorieae may be sister groups, though a closer relationship between the Eupatorieae and the Heliantheae is possible. The Inuleae are a paraphyletic grade group at the base of the subfamily Asteroideae in the same way as the Mutiseae are a grade group at the base of the family.

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