
Tribal fanaticism and lack of transparency is a phenomenon that has invaded contemporary societies, and Jordanian society, like other societies, has been affected by this dangerous phenomenon. When tribal fanaticism shifts from the positive side to the negative, the level of classism and nepotism increases, and the deviation from the correct Islamic foundations increases. Omar bin Abdul Aziz motivated by the fear of God took care of the citizens, and he made sure that everyone was equal. Omar’s justice appears through holding the workers accountable in the state, and it was from what Wahb bin Munabbih wrote to Omar bin Abdul Aziz: “I lost one dinar from the Muslim treasury, and Omar replied to him with a letter saying: “I do not accuse you of your religion and trust, but I accuse you of wasting and negligence, and I am responsible for the Muslims’ money before God, and peace be upon you.” (Ibn Abd al-Hakam, 1984, p. 65). The study aimed to highlight the class and nepotism in Jordanian society and a showing the impact of Omar bin Abdul Aziz’s approach in eliminating them, and the study reached results, the most important of which is that despite the royal directives in Jordan and the legislative laws to eliminate the consequences of clan fanaticism, its impact is still present and these effects can be observed through class, nepotism, and lack of transparency among the responsible authorities in Jordanian society which led to an increase in poverty, lack of services for it, and the increasing deficit of the state treasury every year, and it also led to weak community cohesion and the creation of social stratification.

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