
FOR the first time a health exists in Indian communities who is not an employee of the local, State, or Federal Government or the of an outside agency. The health represents the Indian rather than a single profession. He is an employee of the tribal group who he represents and to whom he is responsible. He is a tribal member who resides within his community, and his training and orientation, though identified with hea,lth, are much broader in scope. The health representa.tive functions as a liaison person who identifies with his tribe and interprets to them and to the outside world their ne.eds for the purpose of bringing existing health resources to bear upon their hea,lth difficulties. He also translates the advice, of the health professional to Indian people in such a way tha.t it is more clearly understood and a greater impact is realized from the health professional's efforts. The use of various types, of workers has become commonplace in many Indian communities. These programs have been stimulated by the Office of Economic Opportunity or by the growing interest of many Indians in pursuing their own development. Experience with OEO-funded health programs has been especially encouraging. The success of health programs and the expressed interest on the part of many Indian leaders in having more oif these auxiliary health workers have resulted in the development of the Community Health Representative Program of the Indian Health Service. To many health professionals the word aide means a person trained as a technician assisting and working under the direction of a health professional. The words community health representative carry a broader meaning. As a health worker he is trained in a broad understanding of health skills and practice. He is selected and supervised as an employee of the community. His ability to speak the tribal language as well as the language of the professional health workers helps to make him a more effective of his community. The expected result has been to bring into sharper focus the health difficulties and priorities which face the Indians. Demands have been created for more health services, and the delivery of such services has taken place.

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