
Let K be a complete discretely valued field with algebraically closed residue field and let ℭ be a smooth projective and geometrically connected algebraic K-curve of genus g. Assume that g⩾2, so that there exists a minimal finite Galois extension L of K such that ℭ L admits a semi-stable model. In this paper, we study the extension L∣K in terms of the minimal triangulation of C, a distinguished finite subset of the Berkovich analytification C of ℭ. We prove that the least common multiple d of the multiplicities of the points of the minimal triangulation always divides the degree [L:K]. Moreover, in the special case when d is prime to the residue characteristic of K, then we show that d=[L:K], obtaining a new proof of a classical theorem of T. Saito. We then discuss curves with marked points, which allows us to prove analogous results in the case of elliptic curves, whose minimal triangulations we describe in full in the tame case. In the last section, we illustrate through several examples how our results explain the failure of the most natural extensions of Saito’s theorem to the wildly ramified case.

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