
An expanding ring technique has been employed to study the influence of microstructure on the uniform strain and the initiation of fracture in precipitation-type alloys subjected to dynamic loading. Significant increases in the average uniform strain were observed in solution-treated and aged copper cobalt alloys subjected to strain rates in the range (103−104) s−1. The deformation structures observed after dynamic loading were characterized by incompletely developed dislocation cell structures in solution-treated alloys and the loss of precipitate cohenrency in peak-aged alloys. Dynamically loaded overaged alloys wxhibited microvoids and dense dislocation tangles connecting dispersed incoherent precipitates; dynamic fracture occurred by void interconnection along grain boundaries. The increase in ductility under the dynamic loading conditions is attributed to the limited time available for void growth and interconnection, plus the reduced level of strain localization owing to incompletely formed low energy cell configurations.

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