
Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze trephination and intentional cranial (ICD) deformation techniques in ancient pre-Columbian cultures. Background Trephination and ICD are the oldest known surgical techniques developed by some pre-Columbian cultures. ICD is defined as the product of the dynamic distortion of the normal vectors of infantile neurocranial growth through the agency of externally applied forces. Design/Methods: An anthropological field study was performed in the Andean region of South America. Skulls from Inca, Nazca and Paracas Peruvian cultures, Tiwanaku and Cochabamba Bolivian cultures were analyzed. Results: The practice of ICD was performed by the application of either boards or bandages to the infant9s head to change the shape of the growing skull. The circular Aymara type was the most common ICD in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes. On the coast, the application of boards to the front and back of the head was the preferred deformation method. In pre-Columbian Peru, permission to shape the heads of children was an act of kindness granted by the rulers to some nobles. This practice also had the intention of altering the shape of the head in accordance with certain preconceived ideas of beauty. The earliest trephined skulls in the Americas were found in the burial caves of Paracas, Peru. Craniotomy was performed by abrasion, scraping, crosscut sawing, and drilling. Trephining was initially performed with a triangular knife-like instrument made of obsidian and fixed in a wooden handle. Later, t-shaped tumis were used. The holes outlined a large bone excavation, which was filled with a sheet of silver or gold. Bone reactions around the various trephinations suggest differing durations of long-term survival. Conclusions: The practice of ICD was common and persisted until Spanish colonial period. Success of skull trephination was frequent in spite of rudimentary methods and instruments. Disclosure: Dr. Carod has received personal compensation for activities with Allergan, Inc., Merck Sharp & Dohme Limitd, Lundbeck, Biogen Idec, Esteve, and Pfizer Inc. Dr. Vazquez Cabrera has nothing to disclose.

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