
Introduction: Antibiotic use needs to be monitored. Its irrational use causes resistance. Research aims to determine trends in antibiotic use. Methods: Observational research with retrospective data collection. Cross-sectional research design. Data about the availability of antibiotics from 2014 to 2017 in hospitals, health offices and PHCs in the city of Manado. Results: Trends of antibiotics used in PHC and health office in 2014–2017 were betalactam, macrolide, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and quinolone groups. Trends in secondary hospital were betalactam, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and quinolone groups. Trends in tertiary hospital are betalactam, quinolones, and other groups. Conclusion: Based on the data of five major antibiotics use in Manado City, there was a change in the pattern of antibiotic use, and this pattern tended to increase.

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