
A flipped classroom is an e-learning model that blends traditional face-to-face teaching and online teaching. It is gaining popularity in nowadays education systems. This review aimed to evaluate the research trends in the usage of flipped classrooms in higher learning education. During the review, sources were retrieved from various databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, and ERIC to name a few. Using systematic search and selection methods to answer the proposed research questions regarding the types of methodological approaches that have been regularly used in the flipped classroom research; subjects of flipped classroom teaching practices have been widely researched; kind of technological platforms have been used in flipped classroom research; the outcomes of flipped learning research and the challenges encountered in flipped classroom implementation. The analysis showed that the quantitative methods are the most used while education is the subject most reported in flipped classroom research. Learning management systems are the most technological platforms that have been used in flipped classroom research. Academic achievement is the major learning outcome reported in the analysed flipped classroom research. The reluctance of instructors and students to adapt to new roles is among the challenges reported in the analysed reports. Overall flipped classroom model has a positive effect on students’ learning outcomes. Therefore it is encouraged to use the flipped classroom model taking into consideration the challenges reported to make it more effective.

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