
Trends in the seriousness of youth crime in Canada from 1984 to 2011 are assessed by analysing changes over time in the mix of offences for which young people have been reported by police as chargeable. Four indicators of seriousness are used: Statistics Canada crime seriousness weights, the proportion of youth accused of an indictable offence, a fivefold classification of offences; and a selection of high volume offences. All four analyses clearly indicate a substantial downward trend over the period in the overall seriousness of police-reported youth crime. The decline in seriousness is mainly due to a very large decrease in the proportion of youth accused of the serious offence of break and enter and a correspondingly large increase in the proportion accused of the minor offences of common assault, cannabis possession, and offences against the administration of justice. The proportion of chargeable youth accused of major offences against the person has increased substantially relative to its level in 1984, but it remains low compared to property and other offenders. Thus, reported youth crime in Canada has become proportionally more violent but less serious overall.

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