
<p><em>Studi ini melihat tren dalam pendaftaran dan kelulusan siswa </em>educational management (EdM) <em>di sebuah lembaga pendidikan guru di Manila. Mempertimbangkan tantangan mahasiswa pascasarjana yang juga guru atau pengawas di sekolah masing-masing, mungkin sulit bagi mereka untuk mengelola pekerjaan dan studi secara bersamaan yang dapat mengarah pada pengunduran diri dari kursus atau tidak berhasil menyelesaikan studi master dan doktor mereka. Berdasarkan data, ditemukan bahwa pendaftaran di tingkat master menurun tetapi stabil di tingkat doktor dalam enam tahun akademik terakhir (2013-2014 hingga 2018-2019). Secara khusus, ada penurunan yang signifikan dalam pendaftaran musim panas di kedua level. Ada lebih banyak siswa perempuan daripada siswa laki-laki yang mendaftar dalam program ini. Dalam hal penyelesaian yang berhasil, jumlah lulusan secara signifikan rendah dan lebih banyak perempuan daripada siswa laki-laki yang lulus.</em></p>


  • In its Memorandum Circular No 22 s. 2016, the Civil Service Commission stated that the education requirement for faculty positions in State Universities and Colleges, and Local Universities and Colleges is a master’s degree in the area of specialization or its allied courses based on Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum Orders on the policies, standards and guidelines

  • In both masters and doctoral levels, summer enrollment decreased most especially in the last three school years which can be attributed to the shifting from semestral to trimester schedule of the university and the shift of academic year which both started in 2015

  • It found out that there are more female than male students who enrolled in the masters and doctoral levels

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Earning a graduate degree is considered to be an achievement, given the nature of work demands and academic pressure. In the context of education where attending graduate school appears to be a prerequisite and one of the avenues for work promotion and professional growth, teaching and nonteaching staff pursue higher academic degree while performing their full-time jobs at school or any education-related institutions. “The type of education to pursue and how much to pursue” are a few concerns of a population that has becoming more and more educated (Altonji, Arcidiacono, Maurel, 2016). Teaching and mentoring in the graduate school should be able to meet students’ non-academic needs in order to achieve a more pleasant experience (Ding, et al, 2017). According to Baum and Steele (2017), seeking pursuing advance degree has gained “momentum” in the recent years, considering it to be “the new bachelor’s degree”

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