
Objective. To examine the landscape of research and graduate affairs nationally and within schools and colleges of pharmacy. This report, part 3 of a three-part series, focuses on underrepresented minority (URM) faculty members and students, with a focus on recruitment and retention. Findings. There has been a substantial increase in recruitment of Asian faculty members by schools of pharmacy over the last 10 years, but there has been only minimal changes in the numbers of Black and Hispanic faculty numbers, which reflects the challenges in recruitment and retention of URM faculty members. Consistently low enrollment of Black and Hispanic graduate students over a 10-year period demonstrates that pharmacy schools could improve their stated diversity initiatives and goals. Despite an overall increase in PhDs conferred over the last 10 years, international students continue to receive the majority of degrees conferred. Graduation rates of Black and Hispanic students have remained low, suggesting that continued and sustained efforts are needed to recruit, support, and graduate URM students. Summary. Pharmacy schools must make a focused investment and effort toward increasing the diversity of their graduate enrollees by modeling their recruitment, enrollment, and retention strategies after national programs and best practices. Because there is a direct link between the number of faculty role models and the recruitment of students, pharmacy schools must enhance the recruitment, retention, and success of URM faculty members. Further, pharmacy schools should provide inclusion training to encourage better communication with URM advisees.

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