
Particle identification techniques are fundamental tools in nuclear physics experiments. Discriminating particles or nuclei produced in nuclear interactions allows to better understand the underlying physics mechanisms. The energy interval of these reactions is very broad, from sub-eV up to TeV. For this reason, many different identification approaches have been developed, often combining two or more observables. This paper reviews several of these techniques with emphasis on the expertise gained within the current nuclear physics scientific program of the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN).


  • To achieve their physics goals, nuclear physics experiments often need to identify particles or nuclei produced in the studied reactions

  • There are some limits of the pulse shape analysis (PSA) technique in CsI(Tl) scintillators: first, neutrons may interact with the crystal via (n,p) or (n,α) reactions and they appear overlapped to protons or α particles in the correlation; second, protons can experience interactions (Coulomb or nuclear elastic scattering and reactions) which, in some cases, produce events characterized by an incomplete energy deposition (IED)

  • In the same paper the quality of PSA is compared between front mounted and rear-mounted detectors: the study shows that the identification threshold is much lower in the latter case, while there is no impact on energy resolution

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To achieve their physics goals, nuclear physics experiments often need to identify particles or nuclei produced in the studied reactions. Each experiment developed specific and challenging solutions for its particle identification needs, adapting the techniques to the interval of energies to be covered, from eV particles produced in low energy machines up to GeV ones produced at colliders These needs allowed the INFN groups to gain a huge expertise in the development and operation of detectors for Particle IDentification (PID). The main emphasis will be on the techniques used, the specific performances depending on the needs of the experiments and being not directly comparable As it will become clear in the present review, PID is a way to identify particles or nuclear states and study their properties, and offers a strategy to distinguish the type of reaction on the basis of the final products. The review is organized as follows: after a brief introduction of the different experiments, the various PID analyses are grouped according to the used technique and they are described in detail by means of specific applications

Nuclear physics experiments in CSN3 implementing PID techniques
EIC: electron ion collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
JLAB: studies on hadron structure at Jefferson Lab
KAONNIS: studies of Kaonic atoms at DA8NE LNF
MAMBO: meson photoproduction on nucleon in the BGOOD experiment
ALICE: QCD studies in extreme conditions with heavy-ion collisions at the CERN LHC
CHIRONE: heavy-ion nuclear reactions in a wide range of energies
FORTE: dynamics of fission and shell effects in super-heavy elements
GAMMA: study of the nuclear structure using spectroscopy
NUCLEX: nuclear dynamics and thermodynamics with heavy ions
NUMEN: nuclear matrix elements of neutrinoless double beta decays
PRISMA: heavy-ions dynamics with a large angle magnetic spectrometer at LNL
ASFIN: nuclear astrophysics studies at very low energy
ERNA: direct measurements for C burning in stars
LUNA: study of nuclear reactions for astrophysics at LNGS
PANDORA: plasma for astrophysics, nuclear decays observation and radiation for archaeometry
FOOT: nuclear cross section measurements for hadron therapy
ERNA: advanced ionization chamber as 1E detectors
ASFIN: pushing the low-thickness limit of solid-state devices
CHIRONE: energy loss in large acceptance arrays
NUCLEX: tailored 1E − E solutions
NUMEN: combining 1E and magnetic rigidity measurement
ALICE: the high-energy limit for particles and light nuclei at the GeV scale
FOOT: particle identification for light fragment cross section measurements with emulsions
PSA technique in CsI(Tl) scintillators
Be 103
PSA in silicon detectors
X and spectroscopy
CHIRONE: identification of Pygmy Dipole Resonance and of 12C excited states with spectroscopy
KAONNIS: kaonic atom identification by X-ray spectroscopy
PANDORA: ion identification with X-ray spectroscopy and isotope identification with spectroscopy
KAONNIS: kaon identification at DA8NE-LNF
ASFIN: ̨ identification to define elastic and inelastic interactions
CHIRONE: light and heavy nuclei identification with silicon detectors
FOOT: particle identification for heavy fragment cross section measurements with E-TOF method
FORTE: separation of fusion–fission and quasi-elastic events
NUCLEX: identification of charged products fragments with silicon detectors
PRISMA: heavy nuclei identification with a magnetic spectrometer
Calorimeters and muon identification
Electromagnetic calorimeter
Muon spectrometer
JLAB: electron–photon discrimination at an electron beam facility
BGOOD (MAMBO): neutral particles discrimination with BGO
Ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors
ALICE: the largest CsI RICH application for pion, kaon, proton separation
EIC: perspective of PID techniques at the electron-ion collider
JLAB: advanced compact and optimised design of RICH at CEBAF
Kinematic and Bayesian methods
ASFIN: identification of undetected particles through momentum conservation
CHIRONE: background rejection through kinematic coincidences
NUCLEX: correlation analysis for rare event selection
ALICE: combining PID techniques using a Bayesian approach
10 Summary
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