
In response to spiraling health care costs in the US, several alternative health care delivery systems have evolved. The delivery of subsidized family planning services in particular is being affected by declining levels of government support. The most rapidly growing of alternative delivery systems is the health maintenance organization (HMO). HMOs provide a voluntarily enrolled population a guaranteed, specific range of physician and hospital services in return for a fixed periodic payment. There are 3 types of HMO: the group model, in which doctors are members of a partnership or service corporation that contracts with employers or individuals to provide medical services; the taff model, in which physicians are direct employees of the HMO; and the independent practice association (IPA) model, a physicians' group that enters into a contract with an HMO and receives reimbursement for every patient seen. In 1986, over 21 million Americans were enrolled in approximately 262 HMOs around the country. HMOs are unequaled in their success at reducing hospital utilization; they have achieved savings of hospital costs of 20-40%. Another system for delivering and financing health care is the preferred provider organization (PPO) under which patients are assigned to a designated panel of health care providers who offer services according to a discounted fee schedule. New hybrid systems that combine many of the features of both systems are emerging. Most of the newly organized health care delivery systems described focus on utilization control and keeping costs down. A common way of ensuring coordinated health care delivery is through primary care case management. To initiate or establish relationships with HMOs or other health care delivery systems, family planning agencies should consider such activities as: undertaking surveys to study the market; training new employees on developments in health care financing; and recruiting board members with HMO experience.

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