
As a result of many political, economical and social conditions over the past decades, design of the administrative workplaces have been through many changes and different phases of developments: ups and downs, negatives and positives. The dynamics of technological changes have led to immediate effects on changing the nature of administrative workspaces, which in turn has led to direct changes in designing of the interior of workspaces. Research problem lies, thus, in the lack of clear criteria for designing administrative workplaces, which should support interior designers to keep up with the rapid development in this field. In addition, recognizing the fact that design has a pivotal role to play in the comprehensive economic and sustained growth. In this context, designers will participate positively in pushing the development process and the achievement of the eighth goal of sustainable development Agenda (SDGs): To promote sustained, inclusive and stainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Research aims at exploring the changes occurred in designing the administrative workspaces from 1950 to 2000, then followed by an analytical study of contemporary design trends in order to extract clear criteria that support the design process. This means that the research will follow the inductive approach first. This approach relies on the collection of visual facts in a manner that captures the essence of the subject while considering the timeframe, historical context and the cultural dimension to achieve a logical and a scientific interpretation. Afterwards, the deductive approach will be adopted to choose clear criteria for accommodating the ongoing changes and adopting them in the design process in an effective and a constructive manner. Research results will be presented to show how to overcome the negative points, as well as, how to create diversity in the design of workplaces, which will facilitate communication and smooth interaction between employees. This in turn will achieve the required sustainability.

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