
Preface A. Efklides, R.M. Sorrentino. List of Contributors. Part One: Achievement and task-related motivation. 1. Delimiting and integrating achievement motive and goal constructs T.M. Thrash, A.J. Elliot. 2. How to combine intrinsic task-motivation with the motivational effects of the instrumentality of present tasks for future goals W. Lens. 3. The role of perceived instrumentality in student motivation H. Creten, et al. 4. Experimentally induced effects of goal distance in time on the relations between achievement motives, future time orientation and indications of performance in sports T.O. Thomassen, et al. 5. Motivation, performance and satisfaction at school: The significance of the achievement motives - autonomy interaction D. Cock, H. Halvari. 6. Teaching and parenting styles related to children's achievement motivation and learning outcomes W. van Werkhoven, et al. 7. Mapping the domain of autonomy support: Five important ways to enhance or undermine students' experience of autonomy in learning A. Assor, H. Kaplan. 8. A model of motivational change in transition contexts J. MacCallum. 9. Learning in basic electricity: How do motivation, cognitive factors, and classroom climate influence achievement in physics? Ch. von Rhoneck, et al. 10. Goal orientations and action-control beliefs: A cross-cultural comparison among Croatian, Finnish, and Japanese students M. Niemivirta, et al. Part Two: Motivation, cognition, and self-regulation. 11. A theory of uncertainty orientation: The interplay of motivation, cognition, and affect R.M. Sorrentino,et al. 12. Overcoming defensive feedback seeking: The role of perceived ability and perceived control over assessed attributes Y. Trope, et al. 13. Changes in task orientation and self-evaluation across phases of a transition T.L. Chartrand, et al. 14. A functional approach to motivation: The role of goal-enactment and self-regulation in current research on approach and avoidance J. Kuhl. 15. Motivation, information processing and performance: Effects of goal setting on basic cognitive processes J. Wegge. 16. Metacognitive experiences in problem solving: Metacognition, motivation, and self-regulation A. Efklides. 17. The effects of general success-related beliefs and specific metacognitive experiences on causal attributions P. Metallidou, A. Efklides. 18. Optimism as a moderator of the effect of state orientation on the evaluation of negative life events B. Bossong. 19. Genetic vs. environmental determinants of traits, motives, self-referential cognitions, and volitional control in old age: First results from the Munich Twin Study (GOLD) U. Geppert, F. Halisch. 20. Motives, personal goals, and life satisfaction in old age: First results from the Munich Twin Study (GOLD) F. Halisch, U. Geppert. Subject Index.

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