
Introduction. In a highly competitive environment, only companies that are able to distinguish themselves from their competitors can be successful in the long term. Ensuring real differentiation is an extremely difficult task. To do this, it is necessary to offer a product that is different from the competition, which has a historically superior performance characteristics and to add vivid imagery to the product, appealing to the emotions of consumers. The basis for successful existence and maintenance of high level of competitiveness of the product on the market is the brand, which in its turn, ensures for the consumers a high level of rational and emotional values, which leads to maintenance of the necessary differentiation of the company's activity and positive financial result. Purpose – research of peculiarities of formation and development of the brand of enterprises in the pharmaceutical market. Method. During the research we used methods of comparative analysis, systematic approach, summarization, synthesis, logical and structural analysis, graphical interpretation. Results. An analysis of the situation was carried out, trends in the activities of pharmaceutical companies were identified. In the formation of brand development strategy it was suggested to pay attention to continuous brand management and increase of promotional activity of the companies. Practical relevance lies in influencing the process of brand planning and determining the development criteria for enterprise brands.

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