
The quality of education is being accelerated by various types of teaching strategies. Teaching is the gateway to learning. Therefore, new teaching methods have been invented for a long time to facilitate learning. Nowadays, the evolving technology of education has led to the development of new teaching methods. So, the researcher has aimed to find out about emerging teaching methods and also analysed the benefits and challenges of modern teaching methods. A documentary-analysis method has been used to accomplish the purposes of the study. The present study has illuminated the new approaches to teaching methodology, viz., cooperative learning, project-based learning, gamification, spaced learning, flipped classroom, tactile learning, VAK learning, and blended learning, which are the emerging trending teaching methods in the modern era of education. These modern teaching methods have both good and bad sides. So, the researcher has also explained the benefits and challenges of these modern teaching methods from the present perspective. To conclude, the researcher said that the modern teaching approach is mostly experience-based and also learner-centered, whereas the traditional teaching approach was subject-centred or teacher-centred. This present study provided significant knowledge about emerging teaching methods, which can help teachers choose appropriate teaching methods for providing learning.

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