
Due to chemotherapy-induced neutropenia or hematologic malignancies, immunocompromised cancer patients may have higher incidence of febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions compared with the general population and frequently require platelet transfusions. This quality improvement project compared the safety of transfusion using prestorage leukocyte-reduced and pooled whole blood-derived platelets (Acrodose/WBD) with conventionally produced poststorage WBD platelets (RDP) using an active hemovigilance system. Every patient receiving a blood product at the hospital was virtually monitored in real time by trained nurses from a remote hemovigilance unit. These nurses monitor a digital dashboard, which populates a watch list of patients from the time blood product administration is initiated until 12 hours posttransfusion. Over the course of 6 months, 371 patients receiving 792 RDP transfusions and 423 patients receiving 780 Acrodose/WBD platelets transfusions were monitored for transfusion reactions. We identified 26 transfusion reactions in RDP but only 12 transfusion reactions in the Acrodose/WBD platelet group. Acrodose platelet transfusion was associated with fewer transfusion reactions, which resulted in significant cost savings.

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