
This study aims to identify and analyze the development of research related to sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Indonesia from 2015 to 2023 using bibliometric analysis methods. The SDGs represent a global commitment in addressing various social, economic, and environmental challenges faced by the world today. This study focuses on the main trends developing in SDGs research in Indonesia, including research productivity, collaboration between researchers, and dominant research themes. Bibliometric methods were used to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as scientific journals and reviews available in the Scopus database. The data analysis process involved the use of keyword visualization tools such as VoS Viewer, as well as R-studio Biblioshiny bibliometric analysis software. The results of the analysis show that sustainable development is a trending topic and peaks in 2020-2023. In addition, the evolution of research over a certain half-life (2017-2023) revealed that water sanitation, biodiversity, and food security became the main focus in SDGs-related publications. For almost the past decade, Indonesia has been the country that produced the highest number of SDGs-related articles in the Scopus database. This bibliometric study provides a comprehensive understanding of the development of SDGs research in Indonesia and can be a reference for other researchers to understand the growing trends and fictions in efforts to achieve development goals in Indonesia.

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