
Abstract: Weather is the key source of uncertainty affecting crop yield especially in the context of climate change. Among variables relevant to weather, rainfall and temperature are two important factors which have a large effect on crop yield. Typically, temperature affects the length of the growing season and rainfall affects plant production. Rainfall and temperature are important climatic inputs for agricultural production, especially in the context of climate change. The interdependence of rainfall and temperature has a direct influence on the output of agriculture, occurrence and design of hydraulic structures. Earlier the correlation of temperature and rainfall could not be studied with precision but the developments in the meteorology science have however rendered the study possible and precise. The study of temporal and spatial variation of temperature and rainfall of six stations of Kashmir valley for the period of thirty years which has been used for determination of various rainfall-temperature graphs. The rainfall-temperature curve has been further used to determine the trend or pattern in temporal and spatial variation and to determine periods of maximum and minimum rainfall and temperature and also the stations of maximum and minimum rainfall and temperature. The study also computes correlations between temperature and rainfall in Kashmir valley for each station and for each month of the corresponding stations. Modern statistical methods were used to test thestatistical significance of our results.

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