
The aim of this paper is to identify the trends of changes in atmospheric precipitation percolation under the changing climate conditions of Lithuania (the East Baltic region) based on long-term lysimeter studies. Data from 1987–2022 research (n = 1296) was used to determine trends in precipitation infiltration changes. Two 10-year periods, 1989–1998 and 2011–2020, were selected from the whole observation period (1987–2022) to assess changes in precipitation infiltration due to climate change. The air temperature has increased significantly in November (+3.4 °C) and December (+3.3 °C), with a +2.2 °C increase in the standard climate normal. The distribution of yearly precipitation has changed, with the annual amount decreasing from 686 to 652 mm. Precipitation increased the most in July and August (10.9 and 22.9 mm). In autumn, the amount of precipitation decreased by 7.9–31.1 mm. The number of rainy days did not change during the year, but the frequency of heavy precipitation increased significantly in August. The annual percolation increased by 14.2% over 2011–2020 compared to 1989–1998. Percolation increased by 19.0, 22.3, and 20.1% during the spring, autumn, and winter, respectively, and decreased by 35.0% in summer. The increase in annual percolation is mostly related to the increase in temperature during the cold season: November and December. During these months, the likelihood of early freeze formation, which interrupts gravitational water percolation in soil, is significantly reduced. In the spring, the increase in average air temperatures in March leads to faster melting of the winter snow in a shorter period, which significantly increases percolation processes. In Lithuania, higher percolation in autumn and winter, when part of the agricultural land is not covered by vegetation, may lead to higher leaching of chemical elements.

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