
This paper is concerned with the homotopy theory and simple homotopy theory of connected finite 2 dimensional CW complexes with finite cyclic fundamental group. The main theorem presents a complete classification of such complexes up to homotopy type, and this theorem has the corollary that homotopy type and simple homotopy type coincide for these complexes. This work is motivated by the general problem of describing the sets HT(n) and SHT(n) of homotopy types and simple homotopy types of n-complexes, that is, connected finite 2 dimensional CW-complexes with a given fundamental group n. A visually satisfying description of HT (n) or SHT (n) is that of either set as a graph whose edges connect the type of each n-complex X to the type of its sum X v S 2 with the 2-sphere S 2. These graphs are actually trees; they clearly contain no circuits, and they are connected because any two n-complexes have the same type once each is summed with an appropriate number of copies of the 2-sphere S 2. To re establish this latter observation ofJ. H. C. Whitehead ([20, Theorem 12]), note that each n-complex has the simple homotopy type of one modeled in an obvious fashion on some finite presentation of the fundamental group ~z (see Proposition 1). But two finite presentations of the same group n differ by a finite sequence of Tietze operations, two of which leave the simple homotopy type of the associated topological model unchanged, while two alter the simple homotopy type by an S 2 summand. Of special interest in each of these trees are the roots and the junctions. The roots are the (simple) homotopy types that do not admit a factorization involving an S 2 summand; they generate the rest of the types in the tree under the operation of forming sum with S 2. The junctions are the (simple) homotopy types that admit two or more inequivalent factorizations involving an S 2 summand; they determine the shape of the tree. Each junction is a 2-dimensional instance of non-cancellation of the 2-sphere S 2 with respect to the sum operation. When the group n is a free group F of finite rank or is the finite cyclic group Z~ of prime order q, complete descriptions of the trees HT (n) and SHT (n) can be derived from the literature, as follows. A result of C. T. C. Wall ([17, Proposition 3.3]) can be specialized to read that for a free group F of finite rank r every F-complex has the homotopy type of a sum of r

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