
Tree species composition and diversity were assessed in Oban Forest Reserve. Three stage sampling procedure was used to collect data on tree parameters – diameter at breast height (dbh); diameters over bark at the base, middle and top; merchantable height and total height using a minimum dbh limit of ≥10 cm in the tertiary sample plots. A total of 808 trees were measured and 72 species identified in the study area. Stand level parameters were estimated and tree diversity assessed. Results indicate that an average number of stems encountered per hectare were 306. Population densities of individual tree species ranged from 1 to 22 ha-1. Population densities of species were poor. The basal area/ha estimated is 34.67m2 and the species richness index obtained was 10.605, which indicate high species richness. The value of Shannon’s Index (HI) is 3.795 which is quite high.The results show that the forest reserve is a well-stocked tropical rainforest in Nigeria. The relative richness of the forest reserve in terms of individual tree species does not correlate well with the abundance because the abundance of each of the species was quite low and density poor. While there is paucity of most species, Staudtia stipitata was the most abundant (22 tree/ha). The forest has reverted back to the turbulent agrading stage of the forest growth cycle.

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