
In present study, we present data on tree diversity, stand structures and community composition in six sites of tropical forest in Rajaji tiger reserve, Northern India. The enumeration of 72 plots results a total of 19,050 individuals, 47 species, 42 genera, 25 families in which Holoptelia integrifolea, Dalbergia sissoo, Shorea robusta, Cassia fistula and Trewia nudiflora were the species which showed higher importance value index (IVI) in the study area. The stand density of the six sites ranges from 149.99 - 397.91 hac-1 where as the total basal area of trees ranges from 3.612 - 46.813 m2/hac-1. The Shannon diversity index ranged from 1.35 to 2.51, Simpson index ranged from 0.097 - 0.446, Margalef index ranged 2.584 - 4.9, The Evenness index ranged from 0.551 - 0.852 in the study area. Further the studied area has showed ample evidences from indices in supporting the higher floristic diversity and stand structure after providing the present area as a status of tiger reserve.

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