
This is an analysis of the tree community’s composition and structure of Bukit Badindiang sacred forest in Nagari Simpang, Pasaman West Sumatera. The study aims to (1) to obtain a representative account of the structure and composition of tree community of the sacred forest, (2) to estimate the Aboveground Carbon Stock (C-Stock) accumulated on it. A one-hectare plot was divided into 25 subplots of 20 m × 20 m each for tree and debris data collection. In each subplots, there would be a 5m x 5m sapling subplots and 1m x 1m seedling, understorey plant and litter subplots were nested inside. A total of 446 trees were recorded, representing 139 species from 49 families with a total basal area of 38.59 m2. The most dominant tree species was Campnosperma auriculata [Importance Value (IV) of 19.19]. The other prevalent species were Ficus benjamina (IV =16.50) and Mallotus caudatus (IV =14.78). A total of 62 species (44.6%) was considered locally rare with density of 1 tree/ha. Mallotus caudatus had the highest density (37 trees/ha) and Ficus benjamina had the highest Basal Area (BA) (5.61 m2 = 14.51% of the total). Euphorbiaceae (IV= 37.40) was the dominant family. The richest families were Euphorbiaceae (10) and Lauraceae (10). The total estimated Aboveground C-Stock was 190.62 MgC/ha, with the highest C was contributed by trees (178.85 MgC/ha or 93.8% of total). Trees with diameter class of 10 – 69.99 cm stored 62% of total tree carbon. The species richness, tree density and C-Stock of Bakit Badindiang sacred forest were relatively higher than those in several disturbed lowland forests in Sumatera.

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