
Trees or tree-like plants are defined here broadly as perennial, self-supporting plants with a total height of at least 5m (without ascending leaves or inflorescences), and with one or several erect stems with a diameter of at least 10cm. We continue our compilation of an updated list of all native Mexican tree species with the dicotyledonous families Asteraceae (36 species, 39% endemic), Leguminosae with its 3 subfamilies (449 species, 41% endemic), and Rubiaceae (134 species, 24% endemic). The tallest tree species reach 20m in the Asteraceae, 70m in the Leguminosae, and also 70m in the Rubiaceae. The species-richest genus is Lonchocarpus with 67 tree species in Mexico. Three legume genera are endemic to Mexico (Conzattia, Hesperothamnus, and Heteroflorum). The appendix lists all species, including their original publication, references of taxonomic revisions, existence of subspecies or varieties, maximum height in Mexico, and endemism status.

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