
To cope with environmental stress, plants are equipped with antioxidative (e.g., ascorbate, glutathione and alpha-tocopherol) and photoprotective (e.g., xanthophyll cycle pigments) defense systems. We investigated the defense capacities of three tree age classes (mature, sapling and seedling) of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) at a field site near the timberline. Biochemical data were expressed on both a needle dry mass and a surface area basis. Compared with current-year needles, previous-year needles contained higher mass- and area-based concentrations of chlorophylls and alpha-tocopherol, and a larger xanthophyll cycle pool that was in a more epoxidized state. Total glutathione concentration was lower, the glutathione pool was more reduced and the ascorbate pool was more oxidized in previous-year needles than in current-year needles. Needle concentrations of glutathione and alpha-tocopherol increased and chlorophyll concentration decreased with increasing tree age when expressed on a surface area basis. On a dry mass basis, these trends were reversed or nonexistent. The ascorbate pool was more reduced and the glutathione pool was more oxidized in needles of mature trees than in needles of saplings and seedlings. The proportion of protective xanthophyll cycle pigments decreased and the de-epoxidation state increased with increasing tree age. We conclude that tree age and the basis of expression of antioxidant concentration--surface area or dry mass--are important in scaling from seedlings to large trees.

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