
tRecX is a C++ code for solving generalized inhomogeneous time-dependent Schrödinger-type equations idΨ/dt=H[t,Ψ]+Φ in arbitrary dimensions and in a variety of coordinate systems. The operator H[t,Ψ] may have simple non-linearities, as in Gross-Pitaevskii and Hartree(-Fock) problems. Primary application of tRecX has been non-perturbative strong-field single and double photo-electron emission in atomic and molecular physics. The code is designed for large-scale ab initio calculations, for exploring models, and for advanced teaching in computational physics. Distinctive numerical methods are the time-dependent surface flux method for the computation of single and double emission spectra and exterior complex scaling for absorption. Wave functions and operators are handled by tree-structures with the systematic use of recursion on the coarse-grain level. Numerical, analytic, and grid-based discretizations can be combined and are treated on the same abstract level. Operators are specified in the input using a script language including symbolic algebra. User-friendly in- and output, error safety, and documentation are integrated by design. Program summaryProgram title: tRecX — time-dependent Recursive indeXing (tRecX=tSurff+irECS)CPC Library link to program files:https://doi.org/10.17632/zdjbnjxzrn.1Developer's repository link:https://gitlab.physik.uni-muenchen.de/AG-Scrinzi/tRecXCode Ocean capsule:https://codeocean.com/capsule/5391166Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License 2Programming language: C++Nature of problem: tRecX is a general solver for time-dependent Schrödinger-like problems, with applications mostly in strong field and attosecond physics. There are no technical restrictions on the spatial dimension of the problem with up to 6 spatial dimensions realized in the strong-field double ionization of Helium. A selection of coordinate systems is available and any Hamiltonian involving up to second derivatives and arbitrary up to three dimensional potentials can be defined on input by simple scripts.Solution method: The method of lines is used with spatial discretization by a flexible combination of one dimensional basis sets, DVR representations, discrete vectors, expansions into higher-dimensional eigenfunctions of user-defined operators and multi-center basis sets. Photo-emission spectra are calculated using the time-dependent surface flux method (tSurff) in combination with infinite range exterior complex scaling (irECS) for absorption. The code is object oriented and makes extensive use of tree-structures and recursive algorithms. Parallelization is by MPI. Code design and performance allow use in production as well as for graduate level training.

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