
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and intermediate flora is known risk-factor for postoperative infection after surgical termination of pregnancy. Vaginal application of 2% clindamycin cream is an efficacious treatment for BV, but it is not known whether preoperative administration of clindamycin cream might reduce the signs of post-abortion infection after surgical termination of pregnancy. To evaluate whether preoperative treatment with clindamycin cream might reduce the signs of post-abortion infection after legal abortion. Prospective, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter study. Consecutive women attending for surgical termination prior to 11+4 gestational weeks were approached. We randomized participants to preoperative vaginal treatment with 2% clindamycin cream or placebo cream in a double-blinded fashion. At all visits vaginal smears were air dried on microscopy slides to be stored. The rate of postoperative pelvic infection according to our definition was the main outcome variable, the cure rates of BV and of intermediate flora were secondary outcome variables. Of 1655 enrolled women, 1102 were evaluable for analyses. Fifty-eight women developed signs of post-abortion infection. Preoperative treatment with clindamycin cream significantly (RR: 4.2, 95% C.I. 1.2-15.9) reduced the risk of post-abortion infection among women with abnormal vaginal flora (BV and intermediate flora). Treatment with clindamycin cream in women with normal lactobacilli flora did not demonstrate any difference compared to the non-treatment group. Preoperative treatment for at least three days with clindamycin cream significantly reduced the risk for developing signs of post-abortion infection only among women with preoperative abnormal vaginal flora (BV and intermediate flora).

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