
A number of relocatable head fixation systems have become commercially available or developed in-house to perform fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) treatment. The uncertainty usually quoted for the target repositioning in SRT is over 2 mm, more than twice that of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) systems. This setup uncertainty is usually accounted for at treatment planning by outlining extra target margins to form the planning target volume (PTV). It was, however, shown by Lo et al. [Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., Biol., Phys. 34, 1113-1119 (1996)] that these extra margins partly offset the radiobiological advantages of SRT. The present paper considers dose calculations in SRT and shows that the dose predictions could be made at least as accurate as in SRS with no extra margins required. It is shown that the dose distribution from SRT can be calculated using the same algorithms as in SRS, with the measured off-axis ratios (OARs) replaced by "effective" OARs. These are obtained by convolving the probability density distribution of the isocenter positions (assumed to be normal) and the original OARs. An additional output correction factor has also been introduced accounting for the isocenter dose reduction (2.4% for a 7 mm collimator) due to the OARs "blurring." Another correction factor accommodates for the reduced (by 1% for 6 MV beam) dose rate at the isocenter due to x-ray absorption in the relocatable mask. Mean dose profiles and the standard deviations of the dose (STD) were obtained through simulating SRT treatment by a combination of normally distributed isocenters. These dose distributions were compared with those calculated using the convolution approach. Agreement of the dose distributions was within 1%. Since standard deviation reduces with the number of fractions, N, as STD/square root(N), the planning predictions in fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy can be made more accurate than in SRS by increasing N and using "effective" OARs along with corrected dose output.

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