
A retrospective clinical case study was conducted to determine which therapeutic modality was considered most efficacious in treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC). Therapeutic modalities included: (1) antihistamine-vasoconstrictor preparations; (2) disodium cromoglycate (DSCG); and (3) steroids. Eighteen clinical patients were evaluated based on signs and symptoms. Treatment and management were based on prior experience of the attending clinician. Randomization was not used in forming the patient base for this study, because all patients were part of a private health care facility. Results indicated corticosteroids were the single most effective agents in treating VKC, yet DSCG induced less iatrogenic risk with only a slight decrease in effectiveness when the original inflammation has abated. Antihistamine-vasoconstrictor preparations had only limited success in effective treatment of VKC. The study showed that concurrent use of a steroid and DSCG provided the most efficacious treatment modality for VKC.

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