
To investigate the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the German version of the Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire/Social Comfort Questionnaire (PSQ/SCQ) in burn victims.The PSQ/SCQ was answered by 139 adult burn survivors (age M = 49.69, SD = 15.16 years). Factor structure was examined using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Validity was investigated through correlations between the PSQ/SCQ scales and questionnaires assessing perceived social support, burn-specific health-related quality of life, symptoms of anxiety/depression, and percent of total body surface area (TBSA) burned. Additionally, the link between perceived stigmatization/social comfort and current partnership status was investigated.The four-factor model showed the best fit to the data with three PSQ factors (Absence of Friendly Behavior, Confused/Staring Behavior, and Hostile Behavior) and one single SCQ factor. All PSQ/SCQ scales showed good internal consistency. Higher PSQ/lower SCQ means were related to less perceived social support, less burn-specific quality of life, and more symptoms of anxiety/depression. With the exception of a positive correlation with the PSQ subscale Confused Behavior and Staring, no other significant correlations were found between the PSQ/SCQ subscales and TBSA burned. While PSQ/SCQ scores were not linked to age or gender, less perceived social stigmatization/more social comfort was reported by participants who were currently living with a partner.The results indicate a four-factor structure and a good validity of the PSQ/SCQ which is in line with prior research. Further studies should investigate the application of the PSQ/SCQ in individuals with appearance distinctions that are not related to burns.

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