
Three patients had Thygeson's superficial punctate keratopathy; two of whom previously had required prolonged topical corticosteroid therapy for symptomatic relief. The use of therapeutic soft contact lenses provided improved visual acuity as well as symptomatic relief in all three patients. Corneal opacities faded while the soft contact lenses were in place. One patient who had been on long-term topical corticosteroids was gradually taken off this medication with the use of soft contact lens. Another patient noted only mild symptoms from acute episodes while wearing soft contact lenses; only minimal topical corticosteroids were required to control her symptoms. Two additional patients were treated with soft contact lenses. One could not tolerate soft lens wear and the other chose corticosteroid therapy instead of soft lens wear. Soft contact lenses are an acceptable alternative to topical corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of Thygeson's superficial punctate keratopathy.

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