
The present work results from experimental research conducted in a dairy establishment in the city of Perobal, Paraná. It was tested a homeopathic treatment in 32 animals with symptoms of subclinic mastitis detected previously by the California Mastitis Test (CMT).The remedies were prepared according to the Hahnemannian method for the decimal scale and divided in 4 groups according to their pathogenetic action: Group A (Phytolacca D30, Urtica ureus D3, Asa foetida D6); Group B (Phytolacca D12, Magnesium fluoricum D12, Kalium muriatium D6); Group C (Hepar sulphur D200, Magnesium fluoricum D200, Streptococcinum D200, Staphylococcinum D200); Group D (Urtica ureus D30, Lachesis D12, Pulsatilla D30).They were administrated in the dosage of 300g per day per animal during 90 days. It could be verified that subclinical mastitis, as predicted by indirect cellularity, decreased from 44,5% to 3,9%, a statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease, attributed to the treatment.

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