
The researches were effectuated on primipara sheep and goats originating from flocks in which somatic cell number in bulk collected milk was higher than 1,000,000 cells/ml. During lactation the number of somatic cells was determined through the rapid electronic flour optic method SR ISO 13366-3/2001. In the situations in which the limit of 750,000 somatic cells/ml was exceeded as well as at the end of lactation we gathered milk samples. These samples were used to verify through bacteriological examination if the animals had an infection and if so of which origin (Staphylococcus aureus, Stafilococi non aureus or other germs). In 126 sheep and 94 goats diagnosed with subclinical mastitis, after weaning, we performed a treatment with Orbenin Extra (600 mg Cloxacillin “Dynomilled”) administers intramammary following the last milking. We administered a syringe for each half of the mammary gland, respecting the hygiene and administration rules, avoiding iatrogenic mastitis. In the following lactation we gathered milk samples (a mix from the two mammas) for the determination of somatic cells number and for the bacteriological exam, with diagnostic purpose. The results were compared to those obtained at the same number of sheep and goat (witness lot), selected on the same criteria, which were not treated. Healing percentage, in case of the treated animals, was of 78.57% in sheep and 70.21% in goats, and spontaneous healing percent in non treated animals was of 23.02% in sheep and 19.15 in goats.

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