
It is my purpose to present in this paper the method and the results of the treatment of premature infants in the University of Minnesota Hospital. The material studied includes sixty prematurely born infants, all being born at, or otherwise admitted to, the clinic from September, 1914, when the department of pediatrics assumed charge of the new-born infants' clinic, until the close of 1917. It is noteworthy that Litzenberg's 1 report of the efficacy of the four-hour feeding interval for premature infants, the first report in American literature, came from the obstetric service of the same hospital. As Litzenberg states, he was led to adopt the long interval by observing its success in a premature baby that vomited whenever a shorter interval was tried. No less an authority than Czerny had previously recommended that the premature baby be given no more than six feedings in the twenty-four hours. Since Litzenberg's

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