
As yet, no specific therapy for histoplasmosis has been developed clinically. The effective inhibitory nature of nystatin on Histoplasma capsulatum has been demonstrated both in vitro and in animals experimentally infected.1On this premise, we injected nystatin solution directly into oral lesions of histoplasmosis and observed the gradual but complete disappearance of the localized disease process. Report of a Case A 78-year-old man was admitted to the Cincinnati General Hospital on Sept. 13, 1955, with the history of firm blisters that had been appearing in his mouth since mid-July, 1955. There were no other subjective complaints. On physical examination, this elderly man appeared thin but not ill. Examination of the oral cavity revealed multiple, firm, nontender, mucosacovered nodules, which varied in size from 5 to 10 mm. in their greatest diameter. The lesions were distributed as follows: two nodules on the upper and one on the lower labial mucosa,

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