
Although the predominant clinical manifestation of COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, various neurological symptoms are increasingly being diagnosed, in particular, diabetic polyneuropathy is diagnosed in most patients with diabetes, affecting large and small nerve fibers. Drugs that are traditionally used for neuropathic pain (tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentinoids, etc.), despite their positive effect in eliminating the symptoms of polyneuropathy, often cause side effects and do not impact nerve regeneration. Over the last decade, a group of nucleotides has been used quite actively. Additional information on the effects of this group of drugs was accumulated and there is a gradual transformation, including their compositions. Thus, recently the attention of researchers has been devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the combination of uridine, choline, vitamins B1, B6, B12, and folic acid, which is characterized by a fairly high safety profile and regenerative potential. The review highlights the mechanisms of action and results of clinical use of this combination. Uridine monophosphate, B vitamins, folic acid are involved in metabolic processes, enhancing nerve regeneration. This contributes to the development of indirect (secondary) analgesic effect. In addition, the data of new studies indicate the ability of uridine monophosphate derivatives to impact purinergic P2Y receptors, which causes a direct analgesic and direct regenerative effect. Studies have demonstrated the clinical efficacy of this combination in the main types of peripheral neuropathic pain. The combination did not cause side effects and was well tolerated. There was a reduction or complete withdrawal of concomitant analgesics against the background of improving the quality of life of patients. The combination of uridine, choline, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid is a very effective addition to the standard therapy of peripheral neuropathic pain of various genesis and rehabilitation after COVID-19.


  • in particular, diabetic polyneuropathy is diagnosed in most patients with diabetes

  • Drugs that are traditionally used for neuropathic pain

  • recently the attention of researchers has been devoted to the study of the effectiveness

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Останнім часом увага дослідників приділяється вивченню ефективності комбінації уридину, холіну, вітамінів групи В і фолієвої кислоти, для якої характерний досить високий профіль безпеки й регенеративний потенціал. Комбінація уридину, холіну, вітамінів групи В і фолієвої кислоти є досить ефективним доповненням до стандартної терапії периферичного нейропатичного болю різного генезу й реабілітації після перенесеного COVID-19. Реабілітація дозволяє істотно знизити ризик розвитку негативних наслідків після перенесеного COVID-19, а також повернути колишню якість життя, покращити емоційний стан, настрій і працездатність [11].

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