
This discussion of malignant tumors of the oral cavity includes carcinoma of the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gingiva, soft and hard palates, tongue, floor of the mouth, faucial pillars, and tonsils. Carcinoma of the lips and tumors of the jaws, benign and malignant, have been discussed in previous communications. 1 INCIDENCE AND ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS Intraoral cancer accounts for approximately 8% of all human malignant disease. 2 The greatest incidence is in the fifth and sixth decades; men are more frequently affected than women, in a ratio of five to one. This group of malignant diseases, because of their accessibility, should be diagnosed early and adequate treatment instituted; however, the larger percentage, when seen by the oncologist, are advanced. Each group of these diseases produces a somewhat different biological and therapeutic problem, depending on location, blood supply, and lymphatic spread. There is, however, one common factor consistently found in all

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