
To the Editor:— I read with interest the article by Knaysi et al on hidradenitis suppurativa ( 203: 19, 1968). While I completely agree that surgical treatment is needed for the chronic recurrent case of hidradenitis, I should like to point out another surgical approach not mentioned by the authors which is simpler, less likely to produce complications, and just as effective. This consists of probing and unroofing all communicating sinus tracts, cutting away all overhanging scar tissue, and curetting away necrotic tissue found in the opened tracts with or without subsequent cautery of the epithelial linings. The resultant defect is then allowed to granulate in. No graft is required, nor is immobilization necessary, so there is little chance for complications. Very little surgical talent is required as evidenced by the fact that I can ably perform the operation. I do not have the extensive series to match the authors' since

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