
Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 23, 1895. To the Editor: —Two recent cases of conjunctivitis have interested me and are perhaps worth publishing. Jan. 7,1895, Dr. B. asked me to visit and take charge of a case of purulent conjunctivitis, to which he had been called during the night. A young bride of two weeks, a healthy blonde, had suffered for four days from a profuse muco-purulent discharge of left eye, for which she had used some domestic eye wash and warm fomentations. Dr. B. had been called on account of severe pain which was relieved by morphia and hot water. I found intense congestion of entire conjunctiva, pupil strongly contracted, and a muco-purulent discharge which under the microscope showed only a few pus cells and streptococci, some of the latter in pairs. The eye was thoroughly washed out with boracic solution, mopped with 2 per cent, silver and again flushed with

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