
In considering the treatment of gallstones we have to consider the treatment during the paroxysm, during the intervals between the paroxysms, medical and surgical measures for their radical relief and the constitutional vice leading to their formation. During the paroxysms I do not think anything superior to hypodermatic injections of morphine and atropine. They are capable of very accurate dosage, but must be very carefully employed, for some patients are extremely susceptible to these drugs and one who has long had the drugs only with benefit may suddenly be thrown into a very alarming condition by the usual dose. I should in an adult prefer to administer repeated doses of a ¼ grain of morphine and a 1-150 grain of atropine, than to give as some do at the very outset ½, 3-4, or even a grain of morphine. To the hypodermics, chloroform or ether by inhalation are the only

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