
In this study, Lactobacillus salivarius was isolated from human saliva by culture technique using MRS medium, identified through relevant biochemical protocols, and compared to a known control of Lactobacillus acidophilus sourced from Puritan Pride Inc., Qadelade, New York, USA. Primary isolation of microorganisms of interest was carried out at Cheznik Diagnostic and Research laboratories while animal preparation and treatment were carried out at Animal Farm, Mgbakwu Awka. Twenty wistar rats were used as the test animals and another twenty for positive control. The animals in the test group were induced to diarrhea using 1 ml of castor oil following 12-hour fasting while the control group was fed with daily feed and distilled water. The test animals upon production of diarrhoeic stool were fed with 1 × 109 cfu/ml (410 mg/dl w/v) of the Lactobacillus sp isolate in distilled water. The diarrhoea was resolved within 24 hours of treatment. The average weights of the animals taken just after preparation and early treatment (Tx) showed appreciable loss in weight among the test animals possibly due to stress compared to initial weight at T0. However, upon continued treatment with the isolate, obvious weight gain (Tf) compared to Tx was observed. The results of the haematological data at the final analysis showed proximal values and consistency to that of the control group following administration of the Lactobacillus sp isolate. The routine general health data of the test animals showed marked improvement upon treatment with the isolate. A test of significance at 0.05 showed a positive agreement (p Lactobacillus sp showed marked sensitivity to erythromycin, ceftazidine, and chloromphenicol antimicrobial drugs just like other known probiotic strains. No known health hazard or death was recorded. From the study, it was observed that saliva can also proffer a good site in addition to the gut and ileum for the isolation of probiotic microorganisms. It has also shown that the presumptive Lactobacillus salivarius, though strain-specific, possesses probiotic properties effective in resolving most gut issues but especially in diarrhoeic cases.

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