
In 1920, following in the footsteps of Ravaut, we began using sodium thiosulphate (ordinarily known as sodium hyposulphite) in the treatment of arsenical and mercurial poisoning. Since that time, we have added the treatment of lead and bismuth poisoning. The treatment of metallic poison by the use of this sulphur compound is based on a solid chemical foundation. All chemists know that the presence of sulphur will cause the precipitation, as sulphids, of mercury, Metallic Salts in Which This Treatment Has Been Successfully Used. Arsenic Arsphenamin Neo-arsphenamin Silver arsphenamin Sodium cacodylate Liquor potasii arsenitis Arsenous oxid Mercury Mercuric chlorid Mercurous chlorid Mercuric salicylate Mercurosal and many other salts of mercury Lead Contained in paints of all kinds Lead Arsenate Bismuth Compounds Used in the treatment of syphilis lead and silver; arsenic, bismuth and antimony; copper and zinc, as well as all other metals that belong to these groups. Therefore, this

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