
c LINICALLY SPEAKING, there is a group of mouth cancers whose dominant characteristic is massive local invoIvement of submucosal and deep musculature of the tongue unassociated with clinical invasion of adjacent structures. In particular, the mucosa of the floor of the mouth, gums, and glosso-epiglottic fold remain free of cancer. The mandible itseIf is usually normal by roentgenogram and the lymph nodes of the neck are clinically uninvolved. Radiation of this type of tumor has been unsatisfactory because of the Iarge mass of tissue to be treated. The use of interstitial radium needles risks radionecrosis and presents the difficu1t.y of securing an effective homogeneous dose. Therefore, with radiation therapy, pain remains a prominent symptom and little paIIiation is secured. On the other hand, this mass that is bounded anteriorIy and laterally by the concavity of the mandible, iuferiorly by the hyoid bone and posteriorly by the epiglottis is surgically resectable. I believe this concept has prompted me to attempt this type of excision in five patients.

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